Sunday, February 17, 2013

Potty Training

My baby is growing up and it's potty training time!
I have tried twice before with epic failure, the last time Audrey actually regressed all her potty progress, when they aren't ready they just aren't ready.
Lately Audrey has started telling me when she needs a diaper change, she says "pee" or "poop" so yesterday I started what will be (hopefully) be my last try. She wore panties and I told her all about her sticker chart, if she went potty IN the potty she would get a sticker. She seemed pretty excited about this, especially since she went sticker crazy making her Valentine the other day. She did really good for a few hours, she did have me running to the bathroom a lot, when she would say "Mom Pee" . After about 2 hrs of her not actually peeing she crossed her legs and whined and I ran her to the potty and she finally pee'd in the potty! I was so proud! I let her put a sticker on her chart and she loved it.
She had an accident soon afterwards, but really it was because she fell and was crying hysterically, I got most of it all over me. We are still doing diapers at night because she still goes a lot during the night and until she starts staying dry through the night I know it would be pointless to try. We aren't doing pullups because to Audrey they are exactly like diapers, she would even bring me a pullup when I asked for a diaper. I may have to buy some more underwear though, I only bought one pack and we're on the fourth pair in the two days.
I'm really hoping she is mostly trained by the time her brother and sister come for the summer, I know I won't be able to give her my full 100% attention then and It may be more stressful for everyone if we try during that time.
I will update on how this is going in a few days, hopefully it will be with some good results!

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