Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Potty Training Update!

I totally meant to do an Easter post with all the things we did, but I forgot and well now it's too late.
so I decided I would give an update on Potty Training!
I had started for the third time and it just wasn't working, she was just refusing to do it so I gave up and decided I would just wait until summer to try again, when to my surprise a week after I gave up she decided she was done with diapers and did it herself! She loves going to the potty and wearing panties and even hates wearing a diaper at bedtime, She's terrified of the big potty so we haven't been able to use that yet, or a public restroom but hopefully soon! She's only had one accident in three weeks and that was because she was playing outside and just forgot. We used a sticker reward chart, which she LOVED and was so excited to be pick out the stickers. Sometimes she would try to trick me though, tell me she had to pee just to sit on the potty and then try to get a sticker. I'm so proud of her! After all the frustration I had trying to do it before she was ready was pointless because I just had to let her be in charge and do it when she wanted to do it.
She's really growing up, and as happy(Ecstatic) as I am to be done with diapers for the most part, it's bittersweet because that's just one more "baby" thing we're done with.
Also she is saying new words every day, last month she said 32 new words! Her talking has really exploded and she's now trying to say full sentences, even though I can't always understand exactly what she's saying.
2 is really starting out to be a fun age, hopefully we skip being "terrible" .

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